
[Event Preview] “On-Call, Any Time, Any Place! Adventurental, Now Open for Business!” (2/16~ JST)

【最新更新】 2024/02/15 (Thu) 17:29

To all of our adventurers!
We are so grateful of your constant support and patronage of Anothereidos R!

A Limited-Time Event Entitled, “On-Call, Any Time, Any Place! Adventurental, Now Open for Business!” will be Available Starting 2/16 (JST)!


Following the madness of the casino, transquility has once again fallen upon the federation of Pays Blanc.
With the arrival of times of peace, the number of monster-slaying quests have fallen to nearly zero, and
adventurers all throughout the Federation are now struggling to make ends meet.

One method adventurers are turning to in order to escape from dire straits is “Adventurental“!

Need a helping hand with household chores? Your luggage too heavy to move?

Or maybe you just need a relaxing massage!

They’re desperate for work! They’ll do absolutely anything!

Where will their future lead?!


In this event, you will be collecting “Faithful Patron Loyalty Cards” upon clearing its stages, which you can then trade for various items.

Note: You will have until 3/29/2024 (JST) to obtain any “Faithful Patron Loyalty Cards” and until 4/5/2024 (JST) to exchange them for rewards.


New Characters will be Released as Playable Units for This Event!

Rent-a-Daddy】Corca will be available for a limited time only.


