
Patch Notes (Ver.2.0.8 8/05/2022)

【最新更新】 2022/08/05 (Fri) 17:54

Since the update that occurred on Fri. 7/15/2022 (JST), adventurers have not been able to select or play the prior quests 2-18 (Satisfiers of Hunger II) through 2-26 (At Wilderness’ Extreme) upon clearing 2-27 (Another Eidos) of the Main Story.

As of this current update on Fri. 8/5/2022 (JST), this bug has been resolved and the aforementioned quests are now displayed again. In the event that these quests still do not display for you, we ask that you please clear your cache and reboot the game.

■■■New Elements■■■


  • New quests have been added to the event entitled “Get Fired Up for Erotic Wrestling!”.
    • Quests beyond EW-15 “One-Way Ticket to Fulfill Dreams III” will be added in future updates.
  • The high-difficulty quest EW-CH-1 “Erotic Wrestling Battle Spinoff” has been added.
    • This quest unlocks upon clearing EW-15 “One-Way Ticket to Fulfill Dreams III”
  • More of the item lineup has been unlocked in The Exchange.
  • The item “Hulk’s Secret” has been added to the item lineup in The Exchange.


  • The following units may now undergo Adventurer Rank Up: Theodor, Rougarou, Lisa, and Thorkell.
    • As for Lisa’s rank-up illustration, this will be implemented in a future update.
  • Patty’s DEF now increases after ranking up!



  • The pixilated animation for Jalam upon undergoing Adventurer Rank Up has been changed.

■■■Bug Fixes■■■


  • Fixed bug which caused unintended operations to occur upon withdrawing Rashou after using his transformation skill.
  • Fixed bug which would prevent a battle from being temporarily paused upon attempting to pause at the start of a battle.


  • Fixed bug which caused a communication error to occur upon opening up the Friend Screen when not registered as friends.

■■■Regarding Known Bugs■■■

  • Unable to obtain content (remains under revision).
    • If you are experiencing this issue, we ask that you clear your cache then reboot.
  • Update does not proceed from “Preparing Install…” when attempting to update APK files from HabbitLauncher.
    • It is possible to download the latest game application (client-side) manually from the URL below.
    • https://habxbit.com/download/launcher/AnotherEidos.apk