Patch Notes (Ver.2.0.1 6/24/2022)

【最新更新】 2022/06/24 (Fri) 20:00
(24/06/2022 17:00)
Thank you for This Half Year! A new pick-up event “Half-Anniversary”There is an error in the percentage table in the application. Kafka (★6) and Rotthard (★5) are included in the Standard offerings.
■■■New Elements■■■
<Main Story>
- New quests have been added to Chapter 2 of the Main Story of Anothereidos R!
- Quests beyond 2-19 “Satisfiers of Hunger III” will be added soon.
<Login Bonus>
- New login bonuses have become available for 10 days starting Fr. 6/24 and ending on Mon. July 3rd (JST) for the Half-Anniversary Campaign entitled “Thank You for This Half Year!”
<New Units>
- “Half-Anniversary Amorey” and “Young Hellion” have been added.
<Strengthening > Boosting>
- It is now possible to rank up the following adventurers: “Pino”, “Jinnosuke”, “Fu”, and “Rai”.
<Interaction Quests>
- “Rothhart” Still #1 has been added in Japanese, English, and Traditional Chinese.
- “Half-Anniversary Amorey” Still #3 has been added in Japanese, English, and Traditional Chinese.
- “Young Hellion” Still #3 has been added in Japanese, English, and Traditional Chinese.
- Whether you choose the standard or limited version of a character, you will enter the same interaction screen, which also means that Intimacy and Still Unlock Progression are shared.
- When possessing a limited character, Still #3 is unlocked when you raise your intimacy with said character to 100.
- Two limited-time only items have been added: “The Half-Anniversary 6-Star Adventurer Scout Set” and the “Half-Anniversary 6-Star Partner Referral Set”.
- These two aforementioned items will be available from Fri. 6/24/2022 until Fri. 7/29/2022 (JST).
- The scout pick-up event “Half-Anniversary Pick-UP” has begun.
- The “Partner Scout Ticket” Screen has been unlocked.
- You are now able to exchange Partner Scout Tickets that you may have on this screen for character(s) of your liking.
- The units that you can exchange for Partner Scout Tickets per rarity will be limited to units which have been made available as of 6/23/2022 (JST).
- Upon ranking units from Rank 1 to Rank 2, the same parameters they had immediately prior to ranking up carry over.
- There is no change, though, to the max value of their parameters.
■■■Bug Fixes■■■
- Fixed bug prevented the adventurer rank icon from displaying correctly upon selecting a unit.
- Fixed bugs which prevented the skills of Thomas and Mage Goblin from activating properly.
- Fixed bug which caused the actual skill effect of Pino to not change at all from what it was at Lv. 1 upon increasing his skill level to Lv. 2.
■■■Regarding Known Bugs■■■
- Unable to obtain content (still under revision).
- If you are experiencing this issue, we ask that you clear your cache then reboot.
- Update does not proceed from “Preparing Install…” when attempting to update APK files from HabbitLauncher.
- It is possible to download the latest game application (client-side) manually from the URL below.
- https://habxbit.com/download/launcher/AnotherEidos.apk