
Patch Notes (Ver.1.2.7 5/27/2022)

【最新更新】 2022/05/27 (Fri) 17:42

  • The pick-up scouting event “Day & Night in Pays Blanc” has come to a close as of now on Fri. 5/27 (JST).
  • The deadline for exchanging the event item “Investigation Clue” for event rewards has also concluded and any remaining “Investigation Clues” within your inventory will be deleted accordingly.
    • The scenarios themselves will remain viewable even after the maintenance done on Fri. 5/27 (JST).

■■■New Elements■■■

<Interaction Quests>

  • Still #1 for Theodor, Thorkell, and Patty have been added (JPN/ENG/TRAD CHIN).



  • Expanded the + button tap space attached to the Stamina and Dragon Vein Stone display field in the upper part of the screen.


  • The normal clear difficulty level for the hard quest “PN-CH-1 Training” has been lowered.
    • The quest in question has also been made available indefinitely. All adventurers who were able to clear this quest in its original difficulty prior to maintenance have been issued 1x Edgar’s Freebie Ticket.


■■■Bug Fixes■■■


  • Fixed bug which caused certain characters to jut out of the screen on certain devices.

<Main Story>

  • Fixed bug which prevented certain text windows from displaying correctly in Chapter 0 of the English localization.


  • Fixed bugs which caused the natures of Zacharoff and Kongoh to not function as intended.
  • Fixed bug which caused unanticipated displays on the result screen after tapping the “Withdraw” button repeatedly.


  • Fixed bug which caused the translation for certain buttons to display incorrectly while English was selected.
  • Fixed bug which prevented certain dialogues and tabs from displaying correctly.

<Interaction Quests>

  • The Traditional Chinese translations for Still #1 of Yabsakha and Amorey have been improved.


■■■Regarding Known Bugs■■■

  • We are confirming the details of a bug involving characters on the Interaction Screen messing with the surrounding interface.
  • Unable to obtain content (still under revision).
    • If you are experiencing this issue, we ask that you clear your cache then reboot.
  • Update does not proceed from “Preparing Install…” when attempting to update APK files from HabbitLauncher.
    • It is possible to download the latest game application (client-side) manually from the URL below.
    • https://habxbit.com/download/launcher/AnotherEidos.apk