[Event Notice] Thugs Disturbing the Night Cannot Be Ignored! Day & Night in Pays Blanc
【最新更新】 2022/05/25 (Wed) 10:50
The end date for the event “Day & Night in Pays Blanc” is approaching!
・Your last chance to obtain Investigation Clues will be Friday 5/20 (JST) before maintenance.
・Your last chance to obtain Equus’ Secret will be on Friday 5/27 (JST) before maintenance.
・”Equus’ Secret” is to be kept obtainable past Friday 5/27 (JST)!
・The standard difficulty for the hard quest “PN-CH-1 Patrol Training” will ease up, and x1 “Edgar’s Freebie Ticket” will be issued to all adventurers who are able to clear said quest normally by maintenance on Friday 5/27 (JST).
・Upon maintenance on Friday 5/27 (JST), exchanging Investigation Clues for event rewards will end. Any Investigation Clues you may have will be deleted after which point, so please be sure to exchange them before the deadline!
・However, the scenarios themselves will remain viewable even after the maintenance scheduled for Friday 5/27 (JST).
To all of our adventurers!
We are forever grateful of your constant support of Anothereidos R!
The Side Story “Thugs Disturbing the Night Cannot Be Ignored! Day & Night in Pays Blanc” Will be Released March 31st!
Equus has obtained a new power due to his encounter with Jade!
A rigorous crackdown investigation has at last begun to restore the Federation’s morals.
Yet, a naughty scandal awaits at every corner!?
In this event, your goal will be to collect the various “Investigation Clues” obtained as stage-clear rewards, which allow you to obtain various rewards such as “XX’s Secret”, enabling you to view the event-specific still for the corresponding character.
Disclaimer: Investigation Clue(s) will be obtainable until 5/20/22 JST and reward exchange is planned to conclude on 5/27/2022 JST.
New Characters will also be Released as Playable Units Along w/ the Release of This Event!