
Event: “Buy Off the Pirates with My XXX!? ¡Viva el presidente!”

【最新更新】 2022/01/27 (Thu) 09:42

To all of our adventurers, we are so grateful for your constant support of Anothereidos R!

New Event: “Buy Off the Pirates with My XXX!? ¡Viva el presidente!” NOW AVAILABLE!!!

Former Azureterra Navy Admiral Pino has been dispatched by the Sepian Trade Association to a southern isle known as “Pirate Island” where he seems to have gone berserk!? Whilst Captain Leonhart has yet to return, all of his men have become revolutionary comrades pledging their allegiance by Pino!? An arms race over the leadership of the pirates as well as recovering the hidden treasure has begun!

In this event, in exchange for the event stage clear bonus “Pirate Treasure”, we will also be able to obtain various rewards such as items which let you view event-specific stills for the corresponding characters–(XXX’s Secret).

Clear the event-specific quests to collect “Pirate Treasure”!
Note: Value obtained equivalent to amount of stamina consumed at time cleared. 

You’ll be able to exchange “Pirate Treasure” for items titled “XXX’s Secret” to view event-specific stills for said characters in the event. 

Note: “XXX’s Secret” items will be added along with their corresponding stories 2 weeks following the start of this event.

Note: To view the interaction quests unlocked by “XXX’s Secret”, you must first obtain the character(s).

